How Effective is Powerpoint: Is It Still Relevant?

PowerPoint is one of the most common methods used to present information. It has been around for over 30 years, first being introduced in 1987, and has since become an invaluable tool for people worldwide. But with all the advancements in technology and communication, does PowerPoint still work?

Powerpoint’s History

and Future

PowerPoint was introduced in 1987 and released to the public in 1990. At first, it was used as a tool for business presentations because of its ability to present information in a creative way that is easy-to-understand.

In the past few years, though, PowerPoint has become more than just a tool for business presentations. It is now being used for personal use as well. In fact, many people use it for their schoolwork or even personal projects like home decorating and wedding planning.

But does PowerPoint still work? Do you still need it? Many people say no, claiming that technology has now advanced to the point where anything done with PowerPoint can be done just as easily on your phone, tablet, or computer. But that’s not true! Technology has advanced, but what you learn from using these tools will make you better at using them in the future.

Today when we think about our future, we might imagine robots taking over most jobs and humans having very little to do all day long. But if we take a step back and think about our history (and what makes us human), powerpoint might come back into play!

What Makes a Good Presentation?

Some people argue that PowerPoint is an outdated presentation tool. They say that the technology used in PowerPoint presentations was developed before smartphones and tablets were invented, and that it is not as effective as other methods of presentation. However, others believe that PowerPoint is one of the most reliable tools for presenting information because it allows you to share complex ideas with a large audience without difficulty.

But when you’re preparing a presentation, how do you know what makes for a good one? How can you tell whether your slideshow will be compelling and captivating? To answer these questions, let’s take a look at some tips for creating engaging presentations!

10 Tips on Presenting a Successful Presentation

1. Choose the right tool for your presentation

2. Prepare your presentation

3. Have a strong message

4. Use visuals to help tell the story

5. Keep presentations short and sweet

6. Don’t forget about slides

7. Be prepared for questions

8. Save time on editing by using templates and notes

9. Practice, practice, practice!


PowerPoint is often seen as the tool of choice for creating a presentation. However, it’s not a tool that’s always effective in every scenario. Presentations can fall flat because of ineffective use of tools or because of poor delivery. With so many tools and resources available to presenters, it’s important to make sure that your presentation is effective.