22 New Presentation Techniques That Will Make You a Better Speaker.

A presentation is an essential part of any business or professional environment. However, giving a great presentation can be difficult for many people. There are some great presentation techniques that you can use to make your presentations more effective and engaging. These techniques will help you get your points across quickly and more clearly, which will keep your audience more attentive. For some tips on how to become a better speaker, read this blog post now.

What Makes a Great Presentation

There are many great presentation techniques that you can use to make your presentation more engaging. These techniques will help you get your points across quickly and more clearly, which will increase the attentiveness of your audience.

Some tips for becoming a better speaker include:

-Use “you” instead of “I” when referring to yourself

-Break up text with pictures

-Use a remote control or timer to keep track of how long you have been speaking

-If you’re going to use humor, wait until the end of the presentation or a break in the action to do so

-Avoid using PowerPoint for any information that’s not meant to be shared with the whole audience

How to Give a Great Presentation

Effective communication is crucial for any business or professional setting, but many people struggle with giving great presentations. It’s important to get your points across quickly and clearly, otherwise the audience will get bored.

There are some strategies that can help you become a better speaker. The following presentation techniques will help you get your point across quickly and more importantly, clearly.

First, always tell a story when presenting. This will engage the audience and they’ll be more attentive to your presentation. Second, don’t use slides that contain too much information in one place and instead break up all of the content on the slide so people don’t have to read too much at once. Third, use stories and examples from real life to illustrate your points when possible rather than just listing facts. Finally, practice in advance! For an interactive guide on how to give a great presentation, check out this blog post now!

Presentation Techniques

When you are speaking in front of a group of people, you want to make sure that your presentation is effective and engaging. There are many different ways to take advantage of the techniques that are available to you as a speaker.

One important technique is using visuals. The use of visuals can help you get your points across more quickly and clearly for your audience. This will help them stay more attentive during your presentation.

Another good tip for making an effective presentation is changing up the pace. If you were to speak at one speed throughout the entirety of your presentation, it would become monotonous pretty quickly. Mixing up the pace will keep your audience on their toes and engaged with what you have to say.

It’s also important that you maintain eye contact with whoever is listening to you talk. Eye contact will show them that they have your attention and it will also help you stay engaged with what they’re saying if they’re speaking back to you. It’s also important not to let yourself get distracted by any other distractions around so that it doesn’t distract from what you’re talking about.>>>

The right introduction

The first few minutes of your presentation are very important. You need to grab your audience’s attention and give a strong introduction that will set the tone for the rest of your presentation. Plan out what you want to say about yourself, your company, and your topic. Then, introduce yourself and share a personal story that reflects why you’re qualified to speak on this topic.

As well as giving a quick summary about who you are, mention anything relevant about the day or time of year it is. This can help people understand how your experience ties into the current event or season. You may also want to mention what type of business you represent if you have one. This will help people see how they can relate to you from an outside perspective.

Visual aids and multimedia

One of the most important aspects of giving a presentation is making your point clear. One way to do this is with visual aids. The best presentations have both text and visuals, so it’s important to have a clear plan for your presentation.

If you want to show an image or video, think about what you want to say before you show it. This will help you stay on track with the message you’re trying to send. For example, if you are discussing how something will look, show an image of that thing.

Another great way to keep your audience’s attention is through multimedia. When done correctly, multimedia can be engaging and informative for your audience members. For instance, if you are talking about teamwork, try showing a video about teamwork instead of just describing it in words.

This post has six tips on how you can become a better speaker; however there are many more techniques outside these six–you may discover them as time goes on!

Gestures and body language

One of the most effective and best-known public speaking techniques is incorporating gestures and body language. This helps engage your audience and keeps them listening.

If you find yourself talking with your hands, use those hands to gesture as you speak. This can be as simple as putting them in front of you with palms up or gesturing as if you’re holding an imaginary ball when you talk about sports. Use your body to demonstrate what you’re talking about! Gestures and body language will help keep your audience interested and engaged.

Using humor in presentations

One of the most powerful ways you can keep your audience’s attention is through humor. Humor helps people remember and understand information more easily, as well as makes them feel more positive about the speaker and the material.

It takes a lot of practice to be able to incorporate humor into presentations. You’ll need to learn how to tie what you’re saying into something that’s humorous and natural. One of the most important things you’ll need to do is make sure you’re using humor at appropriate times and in appropriate ways. Remember: Using too much humor will distract your audience and make it difficult for them to follow what you’re saying, while not enough humor can make your presentation seem dull.

Learning how to successfully use humor in presentations can help you keep your audience engaged and attentive.


Now that you know about the presentation techniques that will make you a better speaker, it’s time to put them to use.

The key to making a great presentation is knowing what you want to say and how you want to say it. With these 22 presentation techniques, you’ll be able to present your message in a memorable way, no matter if you’re giving a TED talk or presenting at your company’s all-hands meeting.