The Rise of AI in PowerPoint: What You Need to Know.

PowerPoint is a popular software for creating slides with images, text, and videos. Created for business presentations, it has become the most widely used presentation application in the world today. It comes with an extensive design library and features that make it easy to edit text and add graphics.

PowerPoint is also one of the first applications to add artificial intelligence. Microsoft PowerPoint 2019 now integrates intelligent features such as Smart Lookup and Presentation Replay to help improve productivity while making your presentations look better than ever before. Here are some helpful tips for how to use PowerPoint’s new AI features to create professional-looking presentations that engage your audience and get your point across quickly and efficiently!

PowerPoint’s New AI Features

Smart Lookup will help you find and insert information from any document, website, or PDF that is online. You can insert citations without having to copy and paste their URLs. PowerPoint will automatically create a hyperlink to the source you inserted.

Presentation Replay, one of the most exciting new features, records your presentation as you speak and displays it on-screen so you can see what’s happening in front of your audience. This feature allows you to easily edit your presentation as you go along.

You can now also import PDFs into PowerPoint presentations with improved search capabilities. Quickly find slides by name or keyword without having to scroll through every single slide in your powerpoint file!

PowerPoint has always been an excellent tool for creating professional-looking presentations that engage audiences and get points across quickly and efficiently. Now with its new AI features, it’s even better! These new intelligent features make it easier than ever before to create an engaging experience for your audience and get your point across quickly and efficiently!

Smart Lookup

This PowerPoint 2019 feature allows you to find information quickly with just a few keystrokes.

To use this feature, you can type in the following:

– “What is the population of New York City? ”

– “How does a foxtrot dance?”

– “Is there any way to increase the size of this image?”

You will then see all the possible search results appear on your slide. You can select whatever one you need and it will copy the text onto your slide automatically. It makes it easier to present information that doesn’t already exist on your slides.

Presentation Replay

Presentation Replay is a new feature that allows you to record your presentation as it plays on the screen, then save it as a video. This is useful for both saving videos of presentations or to give notes on the slides. It also includes an option to mark areas where you might need to make edits.

It’s important to note that Presentation Replay only records the slides currently being shown, not the entire presentation. For this reason, it’s best used when preparing your presentations or giving notes on them. You can use it during live presentations for feedback, but you will need to stop recording in order to do so.

Tips for Using PowerPoint’s New AI Features

Smart Lookup

The first new intelligent feature is called Smart Lookup. It automatically recognizes the person speaking and presents relevant information for them as they talk. You can set up your slides to be based on a certain person or even individual topics. When you type in a term, PowerPoint will automatically search and present relevant information without you having to do any additional work!

Presentation Replay

Another useful intelligent feature is Presentation Replay. This tool ensures that everyone in the audience understands your presentation, no matter their familiarity with it. Basically, Presentation Replay acts like a “point-in-time” transcript of what you’re presenting. If someone didn’t follow along closely enough, this tool allows them to jump back and rewatch anything they missed at any time during the presentation! This makes it easy for all of your listeners to understand your message and not lose interest because of unfamiliarity with the topic.

Improve your productivity with the new design library

The new design library in PowerPoint 2019 has over 100 templates to choose from. There are ones for specific topics, like social media marketing or the holiday season, as well as general types of presentations, like an event or a product launch.

No matter what type of presentation you’re making, there’s a template that will help you make it look professional and polished. Choose one of these templates to get started on your next project!

You can also use the design library to create your own custom template. If there’s a design you love but would like to change some things about it, you can edit it and save it as your own template so you can use it in future projects!

Create better presentations with intelligent presentation templates

Presentation templates are the perfect way to get started with PowerPoint. With intelligent presentation templates, you can quickly create professional-looking presentations that engage your audience and help you make your point quickly and efficiently.

Smart Lookup helps you find the right images to use in your presentation, along with presenting facts about them. Presentation Replay analyzes how well your slides are received by an audience and provides feedback on how to improve it for future presentations. These new features will help you create better-looking presentations than ever before!

Make your ideas stand out with intelligent text formatting

One of the things that makes PowerPoint presentations so great is that you can easily change text. It’s a lot easier than in a word processing software, where you have to use the formatting toolbar to change fonts and colors.

In PowerPoint, just select your text and then click on the font or color button to change it. You’ll notice that there are multiple options for each type of formatting. You can also customize your text more precisely by clicking on “Format” then “Font”. From there, you can choose all sorts of customizations like serifs (the little squiggly lines on letters) or making your text gray.

You want your ideas to stand out in your presentation, right? Well, one of the best ways to do this is with intelligent text formatting. Make sure people know what you’re saying by choosing different colors for important words or phrases. Create some visual interest by using bold or italics for certain words. Or make an idea stand out even more by using both bold and italics!

These simple tweaks will help you get your point across quickly and efficiently while making your presentation look better than ever before!

Make smarter slides with PowerPoint’s new animation features.

PowerPoint now offers animated transitions that will catch your audience’s attention and make your presentation more engaging. These transitions can be used to move between slides, as well as zooming in and out to show or hide content.

One popular animation is the “bouncing ball” transition where a ball bounces across the screen from one slide to the next. This type of transition is useful for showing how ideas are interconnected or related to each other.

Another new animation is the “telescoping text” which can be used if you want to draw attention to an important point on your slide. When you hover over the headline of a slide, it will zoom in and reveal more information about it.