
Presentation Trend 2022: What to Expect from the Future of Presentations.

It’s a new year and a time for reflection. What was the coolest presentation trend of the previous year? How will it evolve in the next few years? What will make up this trend in 2022? And how can you get ahead of the curve today to be prepared for tomorrow?

We predict that 2022 will see an increasing number of creative presentations, with more focus on storytelling, storytelling, storytelling. The future of presentations is all about creative storytelling.

This isn’t just about telling your story any way possible – it’s about presenting your idea in a creative, engaging way that keeps your audience hooked. From interactive PowerPoint slides to 3D animation, there are many ways to capture and engage your audience so they remember what you’ve said long after the presentation has ended.

What is the Biggest Presentation Trend of the Future?

This trend is all about creativity. More and more companies are emphasizing the importance of creativity in their presentations. In fact, a whopping 95% of people say they prefer a creative presentation to a standard one.

The future of presentations is all about creativity. Interactive PowerPoint slides, 3D animation – these are just some ways to capture your audience’s attention and make them remember what you’ve said long after the presentation has ended.

Why? Because in today’s world, everyone has seen a million presentations that look the same – it’s time for presenters to get creative!

How does this trend evolve in 2022?

Creative storytelling is the way of the future, and new technology will make this trend even more prominent.

There are many ways you can use creative storytelling in your presentation to captivate your audience – like 3D animation.

This is a great way to tell stories that can be tricky to explain in words or show on a traditional slide. You could create an immersive 3D experience with virtual reality (VR) so the viewer feels like they’re in your story. And it’s not just about using new technology for its own sake; it’s also about integrating this technology into your presentation so it works naturally with what you’re trying to say—creating an interactive experience for your audience.

The Rise of Interactive Presentations

Designing an engaging presentation is more than just putting words on a screen and reading them aloud. In the future of presentations, it’s all about creative storytelling. When you design a presentation that your audience can experience and interact with, they are more likely to remember what you’ve said.

Interactive presentations can be anything from PowerPoint slides with clickable links to 3D animations. Imagine watching a presentation where you control the characters with your mouse or typing out your questions in a chat box for a presenter to answer during a live Q&A. These types of interactive presentations engage the audience and keep them interested in the content – not to mention encourage social media discussion afterwards!

What Types of Creative Storytelling Are We Talking About?

We’re talking about taking your presentation to the next level. It’s not just about making it more interesting, but using creativity to help you tell your story in a unique way. Here are some ways you can do that:

– Include eye-catching visuals and animations

– Offer interactive presentations with real-time polls or surveys

– Make use of 3D animation

– Incorporate video into your presentation to show how something works or give examples

– Use storytelling methods like humor, anecdotes, or analogies

– Create an info graphic that illustrates complex concepts

How to Create Engaging Presentations Today

If you want to create an effective presentation, you should start by understanding your audience. Answer questions such as:

● What do they care about?

● What are their priorities?

● How can I keep them engaged?

Plan your presentation, and then design it for maximum impact. Use the following techniques:

● Use visuals. Maybe slides with images and infographics – or maybe 3D animation and virtual reality displays. You want to make sure that your audience isn’t just hearing what you have to say; they should be seeing it as well.


The key to a successful presentation is to use the latest trends and technology to engage your audience. If you’re looking for some inspiration, check out these five trends that’ll shape the future of presentations.

1. The Rise of Interactive Presentations

2. What Types of Creative Storytelling Are We Talking About?

3. How to Create Engaging Presentations Today

4. Presentation Trend 2022: What to Expect from the Future of Presentations.