Come on… We all know what happened to 2016.

Hi my name is Ken Yong. And as the founder and chief designer at Maginary, I am grateful for this opportunity to share with you the new trend in communication. So here it is; with the rapid advancement of technology, we as enterprise find it hard to capture  consumer’s attention, let alone communicate with them. And throughout the years, my approach is to touch the emotional side of the audiences. Just like the picture you see on top! You see, I truly believe in that through parody and fun, we open a new window of opportunity in the way we communicate. So, join us, in this exciting moment and gear up to enter 2017 roaring!


Spot the outstanding person here

The way I see it? We either strive to be the very top, or end up down at the very bottom. There is no middle ground here. No one ever talks about them.

January 2017


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